Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who came out to the Open Studio during the last 2 Sundays of October, and also to all of you who couldn’t make it and sent kind words. It was a great time of year to open our doors and the special Silent Auction was lots of fun. This was the fourth year that I’ve opened up my studio since we closed our gallery in 2007 and moved to our new home in 2009. The next Open Studio, if I have one, will be in 2016.
Entering Silence I, acrylic on canvas, 2014Plans for next year are a show at Galerie Assomption in Moncton, New Brunswick, during March and April, another, longer artist’s retreat in the summer, and lots of time in the studio working on the lighthouse series of abstract works.
November is a good month to return the studio. I love the special stillness of this month as we prepare for winter and go into the darkest time of the year in our hemisphere. It’s a good time for reflection and introspection.
I hope you are all well and enjoying your work and creative time, and as always I love hearing from you.