Settling into the inevitability of long cold winter months is part of the yearly cycle where I live. Getting cozy, having comforting routines, and appreciating the positive aspects of the season are vital to maintaining a good equilibrium.

Now as the days are getting noticeably longer, I feel a difference in overall energy. After a much needed break around the winter solstice and holiday period, I’ve been in the studio most days since the start of the new year. To stir things up a bit, in early January I started a 30 day sketchbook challenge with Insight Creative Coaching.

This self paced challenge has offered a positive to start the new year in the studio so far. I’ve set work on paintings aside for the moment and am enjoying the freedom of working in my sketchbook, exploring, playing, and taking time to reflect on each day’s work, and on the experience as a whole.

Here are some of the sketches that I’ve worked on in the first couple of weeks.

I recommend this challenge to any artist wanting to take the opportunity to explore their practice in more depth, and give yourself the freedom to explore things you may not be doing habitually, or may have left aside if you’ve been working as long as I have.
In the next little while, I’ll be back to share some work from the second half of the challenge.


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